
Thursday, 2 January 2014

Nail Lacquer Love's Top 20 Favourite Polishes 2013

2013 has come to an end. It's been a good year for me personally. Me and my boyfriend found a bigger apartment, I've been travelling, spending time with loved ones. It hasn't been a special year in anyway, but it has been good. Which is always nice.
So what about the nail polish of 2013. It's been a great year with many pretty collections.

I've decided to do a top 20 list based on all the polish I've been writing posts about during 2013. It's been extremely difficult to choose which ones I like the best from the ones I've worn during the year. They are not in any specific order since that would have been way too hard to do. So here's my list of the top 20 polishes I've worn during 2013.
Each polish has a link to it's own post underneath the photo.



  1. Fantastiskt fina bilder på underbara lack!

  2. Heeeelt underbara foto på en härlig lista med vackra lack. :-) Vill ha flera stycken av dem....suck...;-)

  3. Oj oj oj. Funderar på om jag inte är farligt nära att hoppa på det där indietåget i alla fall....

  4. Wow! I think your list of the best is really stunning! I've just added two of the polishes you showed to my wishlist, LOL
    Happy new year :)

  5. Men huvva varför har jag inget av dom lacken, nr 3 super vixen måste jag bara ha!!

  6. Beautiful choices............ and you have a couple of old favourites of mine in there :)

  7. Så himla många snygga! De två första MÅSTE jag äga!


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