
Monday, 9 February 2015

Dry Brush Mani

 Hi sweeties!

I did a dry brush mani today. They're so fun and simple to do. You basically remove almost all of the polish from the brush and apply the small amount of colour that's left on the brush to chosen parts of you nails. You then repeat this with different colours. You may have to repeat this a few times to reach full coverage and avoid VNL. The best is to use highly pigmented colours (one coaters), but colours where you have to apply the polish on the same spot twice, or more, often blend seamlessly and make the finished manicure look smoother.

For this mani I only used holographic polishes from Colors by Llarowe. The ones I've used are Young Turks, Seahawks Lime, Gemini Rising, My Own Private Paradise,! and Love You Forever. 


  1. I agree, I also love dry-brush manis - and this is really beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I love how easy they are to do and how simple it is to make them pretty.

  2. Väldigt snyggt! Gillar verkligen den här typen av manier, men har inte gjort en på länge. Dags att göra en igen! :)

    1. Det tycker jag du ska göra. Det är ju så enkelt. :)

  3. Jättesnyggt! Jag måste komma fram till att testa den här tekniken någon gång!

    1. Det tycker jag du ska göra. Det är så fruktansvärt enkelt och en behöver inte städa manikyren. :)

  4. Åh så snyggt! Måste testa detta med hololack :)


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