Sunday, 26 January 2014

Comparison of OPI DS Glamour and Ninja Polish Glamourous

It was a really long time since there was a comparison post on this blog. It's been lots of swatches and manicures, but not much else. I think it's time to do something about it. So what better way to start than with something that I've been very curious about. Are OPI DS Glamour and Ninja Polish Glamorous really dupes?
Ninja Polish claims that they are. I actually bought Glamorous jut beacause it was supposed to be a dupe to DS Glamour (my biggest lemming!). I was fortunate enough to b able to buy DS Glamour at a decent price from a lovely girl. I have my biggest lemming ever! And now I can compare the polishes!

So lets get to it! First up is the obligatory bottle shot.

 As you can see they do look quite similar. The holo is stronger in Ninja Polish Glamourous (on the left) than in OPI DS Glamour (on the right). Ninja Polish Glamorous is slightly more purple as well, though I'm not sure it shows in my pictures, but I promise you it is.

I think you can see here that Ninja Polish Glamorous is slightly more purple than DS Glamour. As you can see the holo is a bit stronger and more fine in Ninja Polish Glamorous than in OPI DS Glamour. The holo is Glamour is slightly more scattered but still creates full rainbows.

In this picture you can really see the difference in both colour and holographic effect. Ninja Polish Glamorous is more purple and a tad more holographic.

I think I can say that these are as close as two polishes can be without being dupes. because no, they're not the same, they are similar. I do love OPI DS Glamour more. It's so hard to find, it's not created anymore, it took me ages to find (at a decent price) and it's been one my biggest lemming forever. If you don't care for vhtf polihes then Ninja Polish Glamorous is a perfect alternativ, though that one isn't really easy to get either but easier and a lot cheaper than OPI DS Glamour. I love them both, but DS Glamour is definitely closer to my heart.


  1. Åh, de är så fina båda två! Jag skulle göra precis som du, köpa Glamourous just för att det är en dupe, men ändå fortsätta sukta efter OPI DS. Der ÄR faktiskt inte samma sak... :)

  2. Så vackra! Ja, det hade varit min största lemming också om jag inte haft turen att hitta den billigt på Tradera för några år sen! :D
    Jag vill också ha Glamourous, men har inte lyckats skaffa det än. Vill ju spara på Glamourous om inte annat :)

  3. You can give the Ninja to me *haha* :D


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